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drg.Ferdy with Elika Boen HD.jpg

Aesthetic Dental Care (ADC)
Dental Clinic in BSD, Tangerang

7 Tahun

Sejak ADC Berdiri

27 Tahun

Pengalaman Dokter


Pasien Puas

4.9 / 5.0

Google Review


Pertama di Indonesia

7 Tahun

Sejak ADC Berdiri

27 Tahun

Pengalaman Dokter


Pasien Puas

4.9 / 5.0

Google Review


Pertama di Indonesia

Trust Your Smile to ADC, and See the Difference

We are committed to designing a personalized dental treatment plan for you. With a focus on every detail, our dentists have created a stunning, long-lasting smile. We combine expertise, experience and the latest technology to ensure your smile is beautiful and healthy.

Principal Dentist at Aesthetics Dental Care

Teeth can be a valuable asset or a hindrance to your appearance. Many people look older than their age because their teeth are poorly maintained or have a non-optimal arrangement or color.


My team & I at Aesthetics Dental Care help rejuvenate your appearance. By providing a beautiful and harmonious smile, it makes you look younger and radiant.

Drg. Grace Prasetyo

Perubahan dimulai dari Aesthetic Dental Care

Dengan gigi yang lebih sehat, kuat, dan berkilau, rasakan perbedaan pada penampilan dan kepercayaan dirimu!

Start Now

Why choose Aesthetics Dental Care?

3 main things that ADC dental clinic patients love

dokter gigi merawat pasien yang puas karena perawatan gigi yang berhasil

Comfortable Treatment with Minimal Pain

At Aesthetics Dental Care, we put your comfort first.
With a minimally invasive approach, we plan and execute each treatment with care, ensuring your smile remains stunning with minimal pain.

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dokter gigi merawat pasien yang puas karena perawatan gigi yang berhasil

Advanced Technology for Precise Care

Want more accurate results and effective treatment? Aesthetics Dental Care uses the latest & most comprehensive technology to ensure detailed diagnosis and targeted treatment, providing you with the best service possible.

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dokter gigi merawat pasien yang puas karena perawatan gigi yang berhasil

Guaranteed Long-Lasting Results With Transparent Costs

At ADC dental clinic, you get treatment with a focus on long-term results. And we prove it by providing a guarantee. In addition, you will also get transparency of costs before the action, so you can feel calm during the treatment period.

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Trust Your Smile to ADC, and See the Difference

We are committed to designing a personalized dental treatment plan for you. With a focus on every detail, our dentists have created a stunning, long-lasting smile. We combine expertise, experience and the latest technology to ensure your smile is beautiful and healthy.

Complete solutions for all your dental needs.

As a Top Ranked Invisalign Provider in Indonesia, you can benefit from experience, expertise and problem solving abilities to guarantee the results of your treatment.

Invisalign Aligners

Minimally invasive, safe and long-term dental veneers make you look youthful. You will be treated by an aesthetic dentist with international certification who will ensure satisfactory results.

Hollywood Smile Rejuvenation

The solution for implanting new teeth without surgery is the best solution for toothless teeth. Take advantage of our team of doctors, members of the International Team of Implantology - ensure safe, fast & quality procedures.

Dental Implants

Get a charming celebrity-style smile with teeth whitening at the ADC dental clinic. Natural white and shiny teeth will improve your appearance. Achieve a new, fresher and more attractive smile!

Celebrity Whitening

Straighten teeth with high quality & affordable prices. The results have been tested by doctors' experience from 20 years ago. At ADC, we only use the best materials that are safe for you.


With 3-step cleaning Guided Biofilm Therapy, ADC dentists ensure your teeth are healthy, evenly clean, brighter and of course, painless.

Painless Dental Cleaning

Our dental clinic provides complete dental care ranging from tooth fillings, nerve treatment, to tooth extraction, to eliminate your toothache with a minimally invasive approach.

Pain Relief

Aesthetics Dental Care (ADC)
Dental Clinic di BSD, Tangerang

Regain your youthful smile!

  • Combine art and expertise to rejuvenate your smile
  • Painless dental treatment with the latest dental technology
  • Imaging and radiology with 3D technology for accurate diagnosis
7 years

Since ADC was founded

27 years

Doctor's Experience


Our Patients Are Satisfied


Original Review from Google


First in Indonesia

The ones who trust us

This is the space to introduce the team and what makes it special. Describe the team culture and work philosophy. To help site visitors connect with the team, add details about team members’ experience and skills.

Taylor Quill

Position / Role

Describe the team member here. Write a brief description of their role and responsibilities, or a short bio with a background summary.

Alex Smith

Position / Role

Describe the team member here. Write a brief description of their role and responsibilities, or a short bio with a background summary.

Morgan James

Position / Role

Describe the team member here. Write a brief description of their role and responsibilities, or a short bio with a background summary.

The ones who trust us



"I was willing to travel from Jogja to get a dental implant at Aesthetics Dental Care, because of a friend's recommendation. And my decision was right. The implant process was fast and it was very obvious that the doctor was very used to performing implant procedures."

Yeshua Abraham


"I am willing to travel from Jakarta to get my teeth treated at Aesthetics Dental Care. Because I have never met a dentist as good as this, from the first time I met him he was really relaxed and not rushed during the consultation.

Agla Artalidia & Raditya Beer

Actress & Brand Strategist

"The best. My family's go-to place to beautify my smile. I feel more confident when I see my smile in the mirror every morning"

Priscilla Setio

Influencer, Entrepreneur

“ADC is the only clinic I have found that pays attention to the entire face aspect to fix the teeth. So the result is really fitting, the smile feels very harmonious. Details oriented & very-very cool.”

Valerie Tifanka


"Invisalign has been a huge help! I can now smile without braces and feel more confident every day."

Angela July


"I was so helped by Invisalign treatment at ADC! Transformed my smile without braces and now I feel more confident every day."

Enzy's Story

Actress, TV Host

"I feel very helped by Invisalign to straighten my teeth. And drg. Grace also helped me through the whole process very helpfully. I am grateful to have found Aesthetics Dental Care, and for all those who want healthy and neat teeth - this dental clinic is really worth it."

Youri Koko BSD

Content Creator

“This is a clinic for sultans, which I think is really worth the price. The doctor explains things really patiently, in detail, and is really good. There’s no need to ask about the facilities, 5 stars!”

Beyond Destiano


“The doctor is knowledgeable, the facilities are top, painless. I am willing to go back and forth from Jakarta to BSD to beautify my teeth at ADC.”

Clara Ayu Sheila


“A dental clinic I can always rely on. I am much more confident with my smile now than when I first came to ADC”

Cindy Gulla


“The best dental care I have ever visited. Cool and kind doctor, comfortable work and of course very satisfied with the results, very natural aesthetics.”

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Make an Appointment

Please make an appointment with an ADC dentist through the available contacts to discuss the treatment you need, or ask about a procedure you would like to know more about.

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Consultation and Imaging

The dentist will conduct an in-depth consultation regarding your needs, and use 3D imaging technology to help you see the condition of your teeth clearly.

icon gigi


Start Action

After consultation, the doctor will provide a transparent breakdown of the treatment costs. Only after you agree with the treatment plan offered, the doctor will begin the action.

3 Easy Steps for Treatment at Aesthetics Dental Care

Trust Your Smile to ADC, and See the Difference

We are committed to designing a personalized dental treatment plan for you. With a focus on every detail, our dentists have created a stunning, long-lasting smile. We combine expertise, experience and the latest technology to ensure your smile is beautiful and healthy.

Behind a Smile, There is a Story

★ 4.9/5.0 Based on Google Reviews from Aesthetics Dental Care Patients
Enzy Storia melakukan perawatan Invisalign di klinik gigi Aesthetics Dental Care di BSD City, Serpong
"I was willing to travel from Jogja to get a dental implant at Aesthetics Dental Care, because of a friend's recommendation. And my decision was right. The implant process was fast and it was very obvious that the doctor was very used to performing implant procedures."
Enzy Storia melakukan perawatan Invisalign di klinik gigi Aesthetics Dental Care di BSD City, Serpong
"I am willing to travel from Jakarta to get my teeth treated at Aesthetics Dental Care. Because I have never met a dentist as good as this, from the first time I met him he was really relaxed and not rushed during the consultation.
Yeshua Abraham
Enzy Storia melakukan perawatan Invisalign di klinik gigi Aesthetics Dental Care di BSD City, Serpong
"The best. My family's go-to place to beautify my smile. I feel more confident when I see my smile in the mirror every morning"
Agla Artalidia & Raditya Beer
Actress & Brand Strategist
Enzy Storia melakukan perawatan Invisalign di klinik gigi Aesthetics Dental Care di BSD City, Serpong
“ADC is the only clinic I have found that pays attention to the entire face aspect to fix the teeth. So the result is really fitting, the smile feels very harmonious. Details oriented & very-very cool.”
Priscilla Setio
Influencer, Entrepreneur
Enzy Storia melakukan perawatan Invisalign di klinik gigi Aesthetics Dental Care di BSD City, Serpong
"Invisalign has been a huge help! I can now smile without braces and feel more confident every day."
Valerie Tifanka
Enzy Storia melakukan perawatan Invisalign di klinik gigi Aesthetics Dental Care di BSD City, Serpong
"I was so helped by Invisalign treatment at ADC! Transformed my smile without braces and now I feel more confident every day."
Angela July
Enzy Storia melakukan perawatan Invisalign di klinik gigi Aesthetics Dental Care di BSD City, Serpong
"I feel very helped by Invisalign to straighten my teeth. And drg. Grace also helped me through the whole process very helpfully. I am grateful to have found Aesthetics Dental Care, and for all those who want healthy and neat teeth - this dental clinic is really worth it."
Enzy's Story
Actress, TV Host
Enzy Storia melakukan perawatan Invisalign di klinik gigi Aesthetics Dental Care di BSD City, Serpong
“This is a clinic for sultans, which I think is really worth the price. The doctor explains things really patiently, in detail, and is really good. There’s no need to ask about the facilities, 5 stars!”
Youri Koko BSD
Content Creator
Enzy Storia melakukan perawatan Invisalign di klinik gigi Aesthetics Dental Care di BSD City, Serpong
“The doctor is knowledgeable, the facilities are top, painless. I am willing to go back and forth from Jakarta to BSD to beautify my teeth at ADC.”
Beyond Destiano
Enzy Storia melakukan perawatan Invisalign di klinik gigi Aesthetics Dental Care di BSD City, Serpong
“A dental clinic I can always rely on. I am much more confident with my smile now than when I first came to ADC”
Clara Ayu Sheila
Enzy Storia melakukan perawatan Invisalign di klinik gigi Aesthetics Dental Care di BSD City, Serpong
“The best dental care I have ever visited. Cool and kind doctor, comfortable work and of course very satisfied with the results, very natural aesthetics.”
Cindy Gulla

Schedule Your Consultation Now

Gallery Clinic Aesthetics Dental Care


Bagaimana cara membuat janji di Aesthetics Dental Care?

Anda bisa membuat janji melalui telepon, website, whatsapp, instagram di @adcsmiles. Atau Anda dapat langsung datang ke lokasi klinik gigi ADC di Tangerang. Kami menyarankan untuk membuat janji terlebih dahulu agar Anda tidak menunggu lama.

Apakah ada layanan perawatan gigi anak di Aesthetics Dental Care?

Ya, klinik gigi ADC menyediakan layanan perawatan gigi anak-anak. Kami memiliki dokter gigi yang berpengalaman, ramah dan menyenangkan untuk anak. Proses perawatan di ADC mempunyai proses sterilisasi yang higienis, sehingga aman untuk perawatan gigi anak Anda.

Bagaimana prosedur emergency di klinik gigi ADC, Tangerang?

Untuk keadaan darurat, dokter gigi ADC siap memberikan perawatan untuk meredakan sakit gigi Anda. Anda bisa telpon atau langsung datang ke lokasi kami di Tangerang. Kami sarankan untuk segera menghubungi klinik kami dalam situasi sakit gigi hebat.

Apakah ada layanan konsultasi online di ADC?

Ya, kami menyediakan layanan konsultasi online untuk memudahkan pasien yang tidak dapat hadir secara langsung ke lokasi klinik gigi ADC di Tangerang.

Berapa biaya rata-rata perawatan di ADC?

Biaya perawatan bisa bervariasi tergantung pada jenis layanannya. Kami menyediakan rincian biaya setelah konsultasi awal untuk memastikan transparansi dan kejelasan.

Apakah ADC menerima asuransi gigi?

Saat ini kami dapat menerima klaim asuransi gigi dengan sistem reimburse. Saat ini kami belum bisa menerima cashless dengan kartu. Silakan hubungi kami untuk informasi lebih lanjut tentang rencana asuransi yang kami terima.

Bagaimana ADC memastikan kebersihan dan keselamatan pasien?

Di Aesthetics Dental Care Tangerang, kami mengikuti protokol kebersihan dan keselamatan yang ketat. Kami menggunakan peralatan steril dan memastikan semua area klinik selalu bersih.

What services does Aesthetics Dental Care offer?

At Aesthetics Dental Care, a premium dental clinic in Tangerang, provides services

  • Straighten your teeth with Invisalign clear aligners and braces

  • Improve the aesthetics of teeth with minimal invasive veneers

  • Whiten teeth with Celebrity Whitening

  • Replacing missing teeth with dental implants or removable dentures

  • Removal of wisdom teeth and general tooth extraction

  • Children's dental care

We are committed to providing the best care using the latest technology and assisted by our professional expert doctors.


From effective dental care tips to practical guidance on everyday dental hygiene, we will help you gain the knowledge necessary to care for and maintain optimal dental health.

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